Lettera di Referenza, autografa, Dott. Patch Adams

patchadams lettera

Trascrizione della lettera:

To whom it may concern,

We were very lucky this November to have Elena on our 18th annual Russian Clown Tour. For those weeks Elena always partecipated whole mentally in our very packed schedule to many difficult kids of human suffering.

 She brought both a compassionate human heart and a professional insight into people, to her clowing. With her comprehensive English, she often, with enthusiasm, helped translate to the 4 other Italians on the trip. During the trip I spent quite sometime with her and was excited to her – of her work and her passion for it.

 This was brought home when 3 weeks after the trip (n.d.r. in Russia), she single handed and brought 20 students in a three hours, overnight trip to where we spoke in Bolzano (n.d.r. allora Patch si trovava a Bolzano per delle conferenze presso il Teatro Stabile). That night the students and Elena stayed up in a bar, talking until 2.30 a.m. She handled it and so impressively.

 I feel lucky to have Elena for a friend now and to imagine future collaborations.

 I encourage whoever reads this, to consider helping Elena pursue her dreams.

In peace,
